The first comprehensive 3’ single-cell RNA-Seq
Proprietary THOR Technology for direct RNA amplification
Unprecedented sensitivity
Empower challenging samples
LUTHOR 3’ mRNA-Seq Library Prep Kit for Illumina
LUTHOR combines a novel direct RNA amplification technology with an efficient one-step 3’ RNA-Seq library preparation method yielding unprecedented sensitivity and reproducibility for individual cells and purified RNA in the ultra-low pg range.
High Strand-Specificity
LUTHOR maintains exceptional strand-specificity of >99.9 % and allows to map reads to their corresponding strand on the genome, enabling the discovery and quantification of antisense transcripts and overlapping genes.
Direct Counting for Gene Expression Quantification
Just one fragment per amplified antisense RNA copy is produced; therefore, no length normalization is required. This allows straightforward determination of gene expression values even at single cell level.
Cost Saving Multiplexing
LUTHOR 3’ mRNA-Seq library preps are intended to be used with Unique Dual Indices (UDIs). Lexogen offers 12 nt Unique Dual Indexing Sets with up to 384 pre-mixed UDIs in a convenient 96-well plate format. Lexogen’s new 12 nt UDIs feature superior error correction for maximal sequencing data output and are now also available as stand-alone Unique Dual Indexing Sets (Cat. No. 101 – 105, 156) for use with LUTHOR library preps.