Highly specific poly(A) enrichment
Magnetic bead-based purification
Various downstream applications such as RNA-Seq
Fast workflow
Poly(A) RNA Selection Kit V1.5
The Poly(A) RNA Selection Module enables the rapid and highly specific enrichment of polyadenylated RNAs from total RNA samples.
Optimized V1.5 Upgrade
The upgrade V1.5 contains new oligo(dT) Magnetic Beads (MB), compared to the V1.0 kit. The beads and solutions included in the V1.5 kit offer improved performance.
Highly Specific for Poly(A) RNA
Other RNA species (rRNA and tRNA) do not contain poly(A) sequences and therefore will not bind to the oligo(dT) beads.
Bioanalyzer traces of Universal Human Reference Total RNA (UHRR, red trace) and poly(A) selected RNA from 5 µg UHRR (blue trace).
Various Downstream Applications
Isolated mRNA can directly be used for RNA-Seq library preparation (e.g., CORALL RNA-Seq Library Prep kits), SAGE, CAGE, cloning, microarrays, cDNA synthesis, and others.
Rapid Turnaround
Polyadenylated RNAs can be isolated from total RNA samples within about one hour.