Lifecast Body Simulation, a leader in realistic training manikins, announces the release of the world’s first Child who has Down Syndrome training manikin. This realistic manikin was formed from a real-life 3D body scan of a seven (7) year old girl who has Down syndrome named Gwen and will be available to healthcare education facilities around the world to facilitate specialty and inclusive training in managing Down syndrome.
Down syndrome (also called Trisomy 21) is a genetic disorder caused when abnormal cell division results in extra genetic material from chromosome 21. While varied amongst patients, a few common physical traits of some children who have Down syndrome are low muscle tone, a difficult airway for intubation, smaller stature, gapping in the toes, almond-shaped eyes, a single deep crease across the center of the palm, smaller hands and feet – all of which are accurately represented in the Gwen training manikin.
Gwen was created by Lifecast Body Simulation and the University of Greenwich in London who also received support from the Down Syndrome Association. Gwen and her family are truly supporting such a worthy cause in creating awareness of Down syndrome and giving healthcare providers an accurate means of training while continuing to support diversity and inclusion in simulation-based education and training.
Difficult intubation (smaller mouth opening)
Single Transverse Palmar Crease
Gapping in toes
Low muscle tone
Smaller stature
Almond-shaped eyes
Smaller hands and feet
Intraosseous access
Premium padded carry bag with wheels