Sample Diluent (Non-Mammalian) is a protein-containing solution highly recommended for use with serum or plasma samples from mouse, porcine or bovine sources in an antigen-down format. It can also be used for human or other mammalian plasma samples in antibody-sandwich ELISAs.
In certain animal species, nonspecific adsorption of serum IgG to antigen coated and blocked ELISA plate surfaces is a common problem. Utilization ofSample Diluent (Non-Mammalian) as the serum or plasma test sample diluent will minimize the plate well adsorption of nonspecific IgGs that are always present in serum or plasma samples.
Sample Diluent (Non-Mammalian) contains proprietary additives in a buffered PBS base to provide an assay environment that minimizes nonspecific binding while maintaining proper ionic strength and pH for efficient antibody-antigen interaction. This diluent also contains an antimicrobial agent to provide a solution free of bacterial contamination.
• pH: 7.4 at 1X
• Contains: Non-mammalian Proteins
• Supplied At: 1X