Extend LiteGait Therapy to the home with the LiteGait 4Home. The LiteGait 4Home provides all the benefits of the clinical LiteGait models, designed and priced for purchase or rent for a single home user. The LiteGait 4Home is customized to the user’s height while allowing for some growth. The LiteGait 4Home boasts the same yoke structure, overhead straps and harness design as the clinical LiteGait models, providing postural control, balance, and a safe environment for practice of gait, balance, activities of daily living and other functional tasks. Unweighting can be provided with the LiteGait 4Home to lift a user onto a treadmill or provide a supported environment for easier practice of walking and other activities. Accessories (FDY and FlexiStraps)are available to increase versatility of the LiteGait 4Home for dynamic activities to meet the needs of home users of all functional levels. The LiteGait 4Home can be used over ground or over a treadmill, such as our GaitKeeper Mini.
This pediatric model made to grow with the child is capable of handling up to 110 pounds, supporting the smallest LiteGait 4 Home users for gait, balance, play and other activities. LiteGait Therapy applied as a home program can be initiated in infants, pre-walkers, and toddlers, allowing for early introduction of a walking program. It can easily be assembled when it arrives and disassembled for transporting it. Like other LG4home models, it was designed to be affordable and effective for home use.