Clot activator tube
Coated with micronised silica which acts as clot activator.Suitable for clinicalserum and blood donor screening chemistry tests.
RED cap tubes, with orange safety caps to indicate this type of blood collection tubes containing the special clot activator for LIVCARE, can quickly provide complete serum for clinical laboratory.
They are widely used in emergency biochemical and immunological tests. The special clot activator for LIVCARE is evenly coated inside the whole blood collection tube to maximize the contact area withblood. It, in itself, doesn’t dissolve in serum and doesn’t have exchange of substance with blood cell,and has very little competitive absorption of protein to improve the output and ensure the quality ofserum to the greatest extent.
Color Code: Red
Specifications: Ø13x75mm,
Normal Sampling Dosage: 4ml,
Packing:100 NOS
Invert TIME : 6-8 times immediately after drawing the blood.
. Material of Rubber Stopper : Butyle
Material of Tube : PP/PS