As an innovative intensive care ventilator, elisa 800 combines all ventilation therapy requirements with a simple user interface. The comprehensively configurable screen adapts to the needs of the respective hospital and its in-house standards. At the same time, operating errors and training costs are reduced. In addition to invasive and non-invasive ventilation with high leakage compensation, the ventilation options also include high flow O2 therapy and the option of helmet ventilation. To ensure that lung-protective ventilation is not just a term, a wide range of functions such as PEEPfinder, volumetric capnometry, oesophageal pressure and transpulmonary monitoring support the bedside application.
Comprehensive weaning indicators, monitoring functions and the Weaningananalyzer also support difficult and prolonged weaning situations.
Special ventilation modes allow trigger asynchrony to be reduced and improve weaning success. A comprehensive and optional modular system allows, for example, bedside indirect calorimetry, EEG-based sedation monitoring, nasal BiLevel ventilation via prongs and automatic control of the inspiratory O2 concentration.
Application of volatile anesthetics.
Daily awakening trials, propofol syndrome, prompt neurological assessment of the ventilated intensive care patient or reduction of symptomatic transitory psychotic syndrome - there are many motivations for the use of volatile anesthetics in the context of intensive care therapy. We have taken up this challenge and implemented a comprehensive strategy for "Safety, including essential performance, for anesthesia workplaces".