The Semi Automatic Microtome brand Lupe model MRP2016 SA has a modern design and is designed for routine cuts in histology laboratories and research in Universities and Other LaboratoriosIt has manual cutting system, motorized feed system which allows for a more precise cut, retreat and thinning of the motorized sample.Suitable materials for cuts included in paraffin or resin.With balanced cutting flywheel system requires less user effort reducing work fatigue continued use of the equipment.Base built in Aluminum Alloy and fairing Polyurethane high resistance to white finish.Control all functions through touch screen front panel which controls all the operational functions of the equipment.Command to check cutting or debaste.Manual cutting through full turning motion of the steering wheel. System operated by Micro Stepper motor through guides Horizontal and Vertical lubrication free.slice thickness of 0 to 600μm;Counter for number of cuts and totalizer thickness from 1 to 99 turns.Forward and backward motor of the sample holder, with final year indicator.retraction system in the upper position that avoids contact of the sample with the knife support. Precision mechanism for mounting, exchange and orientation samples both plastics cassettes and for blocks in the X and Y axes.horizontal displacement up to 28mm. vertical displacement up to 70 mm.