A straightforward setup for functional analysis of a specific scientific question.
Detection mAb - 7-B6-1, biotin
Enzyme conjugate - Streptavidin-ALP
Substrate - BCIP/NBT-plus
Plate - Pre-coated ELISpot plate, strip (mAb 1-D1K)
Positive control - Anti-CD3 mAb (CD3-2)
Peptide pools - Vaccinia (CD4), human Vaccinia (CD8), human
Intended use
This ELISpot Path kit is intended for the enumeration of cells secreting human IFN-γ in response to Vaccinia virus peptides. For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
Peptide pool composition
PepPool: Vaccinia (CD4), human contains 56 defined peptides from 34 vaccinia virus proteins. The peptides are MHC-II restricted. Of the included peptides, 91% share >90% homology with monkeypox.
PepPool: Vaccinia (CD8), human contains 102 defined peptides from 59 vaccinia virus proteins. The peptides are MHC-I restricted. Of the included peptides, 79% share >90% homology with monkeypox virus.
Product details
Application - ELISpot
Analyte - IFN-γ
Reactivity - Human
This kit is based on a matched pair of mAbs specific for human IFN-γ.
Human PBMC (500,000 cells/well) were incubated for 20 h in the absence or presence of PepPool: Vaccinia (CD4), human (product code 3635-1) and the number of cells secreting IFN-γ was analyzed by ELISpot. Analysis was done with Mabtech IRIS.
Human PBMC (500,000 cells/well) were incubated for 20 h in the absence or presence of PepPool: Vaccinia (CD8), human (product code 3670-1) and the number of cells secreting IFN-γ was analyzed by ELISpot. Analysis was done with Mabtech IRIS.
Analyte description -
Interferon-γ (IFN-γ) is the only type II interferon.