Mini spin kit for purification of DNA from a broad range of samples
Selling unit - 10 Prep(s), 50 Prep(s), 250 Prep(s)
Application - Isolation of DNA
Target - DNA
CE certified - No, research use only
Technology - Silica membrane technology
Brand - NucleoSpin
Format - Mini prep
Handling - Centrifugation
Lysate clarification - Centrifugation
Automated use - No
Sample material - Animal tissue, Cells, Human tissue
Sample amount - < 25 mg human / animal tissue, 10²–10⁷ cultured cells
Fragment size - 200 bp–approx. 50 kbp
Typical yield - 20–35 µg
Theoretical binding capacity - 60 µg
Typical purity A260/A280 - 1.7–1.9
Elution volume - 60–100 µL
Preparation time - 20 min/prep (excl. lysis)
Typical downstream application - enzymatic reactions, Multiplex PCR, Next Generation Sequencing
Storage temperature - 15−25 °C
Shelf life (from production) - 27 Month(s)
Hazardous material - Yes