High-quality natural and thixotropic gypsum. Mixed with less water than many other competing type III gypsums, being therefore harder and stronger.
Features & benefits:
The manufacturing method and formulation ensure smooth, high-density surfaces.
Its thixotropy and a gentle vibration results in a fluidity that ensures optimal reproduction of all details.
Specially indicated for:
Totally or partially removable prostheses.
Models for Cr-Co partial prostheses.
Use proportion: 26 ml / 100 g.
Mixing time under vacuum: 30”.
Manual mixing: 1’.
Working time: 8’.
Setting time (Vicat): 10’.
Setting expansion (2h): 0,13%.
Compressive strength (48h): 38 MPa.
Extraction time: 45’.
Colours: Yellow / Blue / Pink.
Available in:
Box 5 kg
Bag 25 kg
Box 25 kg