The Camel has been designed to lift a person from the floor with the help of one person while reducing the risk of injury to both the carer and the person who has fallen. The inbuilt backrest gives a reassuring chair-like quality and offers a fully supportive lift for a person weighing up to 320 kg (50 stone).Who can use it?The Camel lifting cushion is ideal for a home setting and is suitable for those not professionally medically trained in the role of carer such as a family member supporting a loved one with a health condition that affects their likelihood of falling.This includes: People with neurological disorders such as Multiple Sclerosis, Epilepsy, Parkinson’s Disease, Stroke, Alzheimer’s and dementia and Huntington's disease Individuals with physical disabilities such as limited mobility or amputees Anyone with complex needs – the Camel is ideal for lifting anyone who may move around during a lift. The elderly – 30% of adults over 65 will fall at least once a year. This rises to 50% in the over 80s. Plus Size or bariatric patients who face daily mobility challenges and will often find it difficult to get back on their feet when they fall – even though they are uninjured.