The aerosol generator ATM 225 is used for generating test aerosols with defined properties. The number concentration of the aerosol particles can be set. From the determined concentration distributions of the produced DEHS aerosol it becomes evident that in the range of expected MPPS (Most Penetration Particle 0.2-0.3 μm) a very high particle concentration is provided (> 107 particles/cm3). In the measuring range of many optical particle counters (> 0.3-0.5 μm) a particle number (0.5 x 106 l particles/cm3) is generated in line with the requirements.
The dimensions as well as low weight are ideal for mobile and flexible use. The core of the ATM 225 is an innovative atomizer completely made of stainless steel. It is a dual fabric nozzle working according to the injector principle, which is connected to an impact trap. It ensures that large droplets generated during the atomizing process are immediately returned and basically defines the generated particle size distribution.
Areas of application:
An essential area of application of the aerosol generator ATM 225 is the testing of high efficiency filters or the acceptance and control measurements of c, laminar flow boxes and safety workbenches.
Technical Details:
Method: atomizer
Volume flow: 250 l/h
Particle materials: DEHS, DOP, paraffin
Emery 3004
Latex suspensions
Specification / DEHS
> 108 particles/cm3
0.2 μm / 2 x 10/7 Part./cm3
0.5 μm / 5 x 10/5 Part./cm3
1 μm / 1 x 10/5 Part./cm3
modal value 0.25 μm
sample flow 2.5 g/h
Operating time: 80 ml fill: approx. 25 h
Power supply: 12 V/DC power supply
Dimensions (h x w x d): 220 x 300 x 180 mm
Weight / material: 4.5 kg aluminum