What is the M-400-80D Baby Scale?
The Marsden M-400-80D Baby Scale is a lightweight, portable and robust weighing scale for weighing babies and young children. The scale has a slide on/off baby tray, and a digital height rod allows you to measure the height/length of a baby at the same time as weighing them.
What is a Class III Approved scale?
A Class III Approved baby scale is built, tested, verified and calibrated to meet a specific standard, which is set by the NAWI directive. This states that all scales ‘used in the determination of mass in the practice of medicine for the purpose of monitoring, diagnosis and medical treatment’ must be Class III Approved. It is standard for scales used in hospitals, GP surgeries, birth centres, clinics and also by health visitors and lactation consultants to be Class III Approved.
An EU notified body rigorously tests Approved scales, to ensure they deliver a minimum level of accuracy and reliability.
Additionally, the M-400-80D, along with the Marsden M-400, M-410, M-420 and M-430, with which it shares the same robust, lightweight base, is MDD Approved. This means it meets the requirements set out by the Medical Devices Directive (MDD 93/42/EEC) for medical devices intended to be used for the purpose of monitoring, diagnosis and medical treatment.
Why should I choose the M-400-80D?
The M-400-80D is a highly accurate Class III Approved baby scale, with 5g10g graduations and a 20kg capacity. It is the scale to choose if you need a portable, precision baby scale that can give you a baby’s height reading as well as their weight.