What is the M-650?
The Marsden M-650 is a high capacity scale for weighing a patient in a wheelchair. The ramps of the one-piece platform have a gentle incline to make it easier to push wheelchairs onto the scale. The M-650 has a 300kg capacity.
How can you weigh someone in a wheelchair?
A wheelchair scale allows the patient to remain in their own wheelchair, where they feel comfortable - they also save time as the patient doesn’t need to be transferred to a chair scale. An optional handrail means support is provided for those unsteady on their feet. Tare/Preset Tare can be used to remove the weight of the wheelchair from the reading, meaning you have a true weight reading for the patient.
What is a Class III Approved scale?
Scales that are Class III Approved are built, tested, verified and calibrated in order to meet a specific standard. All scales ‘used in the determination of mass in the practice of medicine for the purpose of monitoring, diagnosis and medical treatment’ must be Class III Approved, according to the NAWI directive. An EU notified body rigorously tests Approved scales, to assure the user that the scales are accurate and reliable.
Who uses the M-650?
With easy access for wheelchair users, the M-650 bariatric scale is the ideal scale for hospitals and care homes. With Class III Approval and graduations to 100g it is suitable for measuring weight for critical treatment, as well as other medical uses. This scale is particularly useful in Renal Units, Outpatients areas and where regular weight readings are required for disabled patients.