Patient SafetyNet is a supplemental remote monitoring and clinician notification system which displays near real-time information from any connected Masimo or third-party device at a central station and allows alarms and alerts from bedside devices to be sent directly to clinicians.
Continuous Supplemental Remote Monitoring:
Bedside Device Connectivity
According to the Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation (APSF), post operative patients should have oxygenation monitored by continuous pulse oximetry.1 Using industry-leading Masimo SET® pulse oximetry and upgradeable Pulse CO-Oximetry measurements, Masimo bedside devices provide noninvasive and continuous monitoring of oxygen saturation, pulse rate, respiration rate, total hemoglobin, and other clinically valuable measurements.
Customizable Central View Station
Patient SafetyNet allows clinicians to monitor up to 200 patients from a central view station. The configurable display allows clinicians to view the status of up to 40 patients at a glance, as well as investigate alarms and dive deeper into trend data.
Real-time Clinician Notification
Patient SafetyNet sends actionable patient alarms directly to available clinicians, with automatic escalation, helping facilitate quick patient assistance
Configure alarm thresholds and delays by patient population to manage alarms
Clinician is notified remotely of alarm at the bedside
If primary clinician does not respond, the alert is escalated to additional clinicans