Biomechanical assessment and raw data export package for researchers. Includes synchronization with 3rd party equipment (force plate, motion capture system, EMG and other) and Server based database sharing.
Static measurement analysis
Barefoot & shod measurement mode, in 2 all directions
Pressure distribution and COP visualization
Compare dynamic measurements 3D peak measurement analysis, Impulse measurement
Automated foot zone analysis, Manual sensor area analysis Load rate analysis, Footprint size
Average gait ratio graphs - movement references
Average COP graphs (rearfoot, full foot)
Foot angle analysis, Exorotation angle, Subtalar-joint flexibility
Single-step & multi-step foot timing (step & stride length, velocity)
Entire plate roll-off, dynamic roll-off, static image, pressure and force, center of force line, single foot timing, dynamic maximum image, force plate data.