What It's Used For
Extended Room Temperature Stabilization of Whole Blood – CTC, cfDNA, and RNA from the Same Sample!
Mawi DNA Technologies introduces a groundbreaking product for ambient collection, stabilization, and transportation of whole blood samples. HemaSure-OMICs enables isolation of cfDNA, CTC, and RNA from the same sample. Collected cells are maintained intact, making them also suitable for FACS analysis.
Current blood stabilization technologies can contain hazardous formaldehyde or formaldehyde-like fixatives that stabilize cfDNA or CTC or RNA but not all three from the same sample. These types of fixatives are classified as hazardous and need to be handled with caution. Another drawback is that the stabilized cfDNA usually co-purifies with Human gDNA, making it more difficult to analyze. On top of all that, the maximum shelf life of stabilized CTC is no more than 72 hrs.
RNA is a crucial tool in advancing our understanding of health and disease in humans and animals. However, RNA is particularly fragile and degrades quickly as soon the cells leave the internal environment of the body, such as when blood is drawn. A reliable technology to stabilize the sample right after collection is needed to reduce the degradation rate and maintain RNA integrity for proper analysis. Currently, efficient stabilization of RNA in body fluids, cells or tissues requires expensive cold chain involvement or relatively toxic fixative, which increases the cost per sample and urgency for processing the sample, leaving very little room for error.