Our proven open fixation system for open surgery – polyphem is self-tapping, cannulated and cementable. The screw head can be set to monoaxial or polyaxial before insertion. In polyaxial position, the threaded part can be rotated 360° around its own axis. The concept combines versatile implants and a simultaneously simple set of instruments and avoids too many complex additional parts.
Product type - Fixation system
Treatment - - Fusion
Area - - thoraco-lumbar (thoracic spine, lumbar spine)
Access - dorsal
Instruments - Reusable (sterilizable)
Each screw is self-tapping, cannulated, cementable and can be used both monoaxially and polyaxially thanks to a locking mechanism.
The screw head has a long reduction thread, which facilitates rod insertion as well as the removal of listheses.
Material: Ti6Al4V (This material composition has proven itself in medical technology and is used successfully in implantology).