Fire Rating - > 1 hour
Thermal Conductivity - 1000 oC
Water Absorption - Moderate
Compression Resistance - >40Kpa
Density, kg/m3 - 100
Noise Absorbing, at 125 Hz - 0.07
Compressive Strength - 150 kPa
Flammable Gas Toxicity - Less
Core Intenerate Temperature - >850 oC
PANEL TYPE - Rockwool Panel
MATERIAL - Lamella Rock Wool Slab
PANEL TYPE - 50 mm (t) rockwool
Panel edge sealed by 0.8mm GI sheet made framework
APPLICATIONS - Cleanroom demountable wall system
0.5 mm PE Roll Coated Static Dissipative Surface Treatment Conductivity: R= 106Ω-109Ω or non-conductivity surface or 0.5mm PE non-conductivity surface
The surface is covered with a plastic foil (0.04mm) for the prevention of transportation or installation damages.
Color: grey white
CORE - Lamella Rock Wool Slab, Density = 100 kg/m3
ADHESIVE - Rebon YB2002 (resin) mixed with YB8001 (Hardener) Epoxy Past Adhesive
Mixing Ratio, YB2002:YB8001=4:1