• Displays greater treatm ent effect than corn pettOrS' products. (Lancet needles adopted)
• A wireless system having no electric cable.
• Adopts a trouble-tree system. (depth and speed control)
• Uses a 9-pin needle pack to cover all types of treatm ent.
• Applicable to stretch m arks, pimple scars, the scalp, obesity, and vtitening treatm ent.
1 This product adopts an automatic rechargeable system. The needles are alvays postioned inside the guide to provide safelyand ease of use.
2 The guide regulates the needles: It can cortrol the.' speed and depth to suit various treatments
This product comes WM tvo speed modes so as to provide safety and comfort. The .) low-speed mode is designed to reduce excessive tritation that maybe caused during • treatment, vthereas the high-speed mode is irtended fa heatm ents that require time efficiency and m ore needling.
4 This product can be applied for needhng to suchnaowsac es as the nose, eye rim s and pesioral areas, thanks to a total vidth of the needetip being 10m m, mounted on the handpiece that is operational at your desired angles.
This product is engineered to custom-treat affected areas in high- and low-speed 5 modes; especially, it is possible to pert am m ore needling trealm ent in less time than anycurently existing manual MTS detice.
6 The needles In AMTS-H break Into the skin at a kill angle, causing little pain.