spray head
bottle of mectron prophylaxis powder, contents 250 g
bottle of mectron glycine powder, contents 100 g (only in Europe)
spare water filter
The turbodent is a stand-alone unit focused specifically on air-polishing. As the underlying technique is identical with the combi unit, the turbodent can also be switched easily from supragingival to subgingival treatments.
the right powder for the intended use
Traditionally sodium bicarbonate powders are used for air-polishing procedures. Used in a proper and not excessively intense manner, the risk of harm to the enamel is minimal. For additional applications more gentle powders have been developed during the last years. Especially glycine, a natural amino acid, opened new indications for air-polishers, the most important being subgingival removal of biofilm.
mectron prophylaxis powder
mectron glycine powder
The turbodent is equipped with the new perio function. Simply pressing a button adapts the air pressure to provide for safe subgingival treatment with glycine powder.
Device compliant to Dir. 93/42/CEE: - Class II a
Classification as per EN 60601-1: -
Type B
IP 20 (device)
IP 22 (foot pedal)
Device for intermittent operation: - 60 sec. ON - 30 sec. OFF with irrigation
Power supply voltage: - 230 Vac 50/60 Hz
120 Vac 50/60 Hz (optional)
115 Vac 50/60 Hz (optional)
100 Vac 50/60 Hz (optional)
Max. power absorbed: - 95 VA
Fuses: - 230 Vac - Type 5 X 20 mm T 500 mAL, 250V
120 Vac - Type 5 X 20 mm T 800 mAL, 250V
115 Vac - Type 5 X 20 mm T 800 mAL, 250V
100 Vac - Type 5 X 20 mm T 800 mAL, 250V