Cratus relies on integrating Bi-Polar RF and lipolaser energy along with delicate vacuum retention and mechanical massage in order to treat adipose tissues and the superficial layer of the skin.
It's a simple, non-surgical and pleasant method that feels like a light warm rubbing, issuing a remarkable reduction in fat cells and cellulite.
• Up till 13 mm depth of fat tissue are targeted and heated by 650 nm wavelength lipolaser • RF frequency aims to heat the skin and fat tissue from 5 to 15 mm depth • Energy is assured to being delivered by the vacuum motions • Automated manipulation promotes lymphatic drainage and cellulite smoothing
• 120 W lipolaser maintains constant energy delivery as well as targeted temperature preserved at full length of the session (Up to 42°C in 1 min) • The possibility to perform one single session and benefit from an average of 2.6 cm surface reduction and an inclusive improvement in skin texture • Impressive and valid results proven by Cratus being a complementary therapy along with other fat reduction procedures such as Ultra Cavitation and liposuction
• New collagen and elastin are generated to smoothen and firm the face and body • Cellulites are eliminated by the process of lipolysis which intensifies the dermal structure • The shape of arms, abdomen and thighs is more firm and resilient
Cellulite is noticed as a non-inflammatory flaw of the subcutaneous tissue, the dimpled-looking skin occurring commonly in the thigh region and which causes remain unknown. Mutations in the fat cells in addition to fluctuations in hormones are being witnessed as well, causing limpness and laxity of the skin.