Data Patient Management Solution for Digital Radiology
Our Web DP software allows to enter patient's demographic information together with the scheduled exams.
Web DP -
Entering patient’s data
Entering scheduled exams
Worklist server
Generating reports file
Merging reports and images in the same file
Web DP is a software that answers different needs.
It enables to handle the patient's demographic information.
It includes a worklist server which is going to transform the date into Dicom. This module can be sold as a standalone product.
It allows to save time as it is not going to be necessary to enter once again the information in the X Ray room.
Once the information is ready, it fees a study list of the exams.
It is possible to generate a report with Clipper. These reports are transformed into Dicom Structured Report.
It includes a medical chart to enter prescriptions, allergies...
It is a very simple alternative to a RIS.