DD-07 7W/808nm & DD-10 10W/980nm
Why laser technology?
Since lasers was applied to dental treatment, more superiority of lasers is changing the game in the realm of modern dentistry, dentists use laser perform more procedures, less time, better results. Patients benefit from faster treatment, shorter healing times with less overall discomfort, painless, silent treatment condition. Comparing with traditional methods and surgical devices such as electrocautery, surgical blade etc., Diode lasers provide excellent soft-tissue management alternative, often times will not require local anesthetic, it cut very small zone of necrosis, it is so easy, so gentler and painless with treatment, it perform a wide arrange of soft-tissue procedures with little to no discomfort, no fear, assures a better relationship with the patients, especially the odontophobic and children, immediate hemostasis, rapid healing, the laser has strong power against bacteria thus encouraging decontamination and anti-inflammatory action while using it.
Laser type: GaAs diode laser
Laser wavelength: DD-07 7W/808nm & DD-10 10W/980nm
Laser mode: Multi mode
Output power : 0.5 ~ 4W ,0.5-7W continuously adjustable (808nm) 0.5-10W (980nm)
Divergence angle: ≤ 25 mrad
Power instability: ≤ ± 10%
Aiming beam: 650nm red diode laser, 3mW