A gentle possibility for a woman to regain the ability of having sexual intercourse again after gynaecological oncological surgeries or radiation therapy.
medesign's innovative vaginal dilators offer a gentle possibility for a woman to regain the ability of having sexual intercourse again after gynaecological oncological surgeries or radiation therapy.
medesign's cylindric Vaginal Dilators are available in different sizes (diameters and lengths) and consist of sanitised lightweight plastic which is easy to clean. The special curved shape guarantees maximum comfort.
medesign's Vaginal Dilator is used like a tampon. Use an inert or oestrogen-containing lubricant (Ladysoft) for insertion. The vagina is gently stretched and reconstructed with the aid of vaginal dilators, gradually increasing in size.
Further Information
Medical silicone.
Included in delivery
1 vaginal dilator with manual
1 Ladysoft Lubricant 30ml