The tips of our P.K. Thomas instruments have recently been revised completely. Now they are smaller and more accurate when used for modelling techniques, although the design is still based on the original models. Available with stainless steel or anodised aluminium handle. The colours on the 583.AL line with anodised aluminium have been updated to be closer to Dr Thomas’s original model.
hoose your favourite DALILA handle
Available in 6 mm ø stainless steel version or 8 mm ø anodised aluminium.
Tips even better suited to contouring
Recently redesigned: now even smaller and more accurate.
Redesigned models
In keeping with Dr Thomas’s original.
Colour coding
The aluminium version has the same colour as the original model.
Available as a KIT!
The entire range is available as a KIT complete with stainless steel sterilisation tray.
Choose your favourite handle
Available with ø 6 mm Dalila handle or with aluminium handle