Three Palm Software’s CAD product is called CadOne™, and is offered to original equipment manufacturers (OEM) integration into their product suites. The CadOne™ system is intended for use in mammography screening, in particular, with digital (e.g., FFDM and CR for mammography) data sources. This product performs computer aided detection of suspicious areas in the source images, and provides that information in a report that later can be used by a radiologist employing a workstation that displays the images and reports.
For the end-user, this CAD product offers the following features
• CadOne™ operates seamlessly within the mammography workflow
• CadOne™ offers three different operating points
1) CadOne™ does not limit the number of views per study CAD reports include mass density and calcification cluster marks
2) CAD reports optionally include information that can be utilized to enhance mammogram viewing capability
- breast border, pectoral muscle border, nipple position, outlines of mass densities and calcifications
3) Single CAD device can support multiple types of FFDM systems
• CAD reports are encoded as Mammography SR and can be displayed on standard Mammography workstations
• Throughput of 120 – 690 cases per hour for a standard 4-view study with image resolutions ranging from 25µm to 100µm on a dual-core CPU