Waxing Screw T.025:
The purpose of the Waxing Screw is to help to maintain the channel
inside the abutment for the Prosthetic Screw that will be placed
after the casting.
The Waxing Screw is made of Titanium grade 5.
Waxing Angled Screw T.046:
The Waxing Angled Screw is the Waxing Screw of the Angled Screwed Abutment. The purpose of the Waxing Angled Screw is to help to maintain the channel inside the Angled Abutment for the Prosthetic Screw that will be placed after the casting.
The Waxing Angled Screw is made of Titanium grade 5.
Prosthetic Screw T.026:
The purpose of the Prosthetic Screw is to serve as a fixation element
between the implant and the crown.
The Prosthetic Screw is made of Titanium grade 5.
Screw Angled Abutment T.040:
Purpose The purpose of the Screw Angled Abutment is to serve as a
fixation element between the implant and the crown.
Screw Abutment PostT.037:
The purpose of the Screw Abutment Post is to serve as a fixation element between the implant and the crown.
The Screw Abutment Post is made of Titanium grade 5.