∑-SP™ is a novel reagent for sputum sample collection. It is available in ready to use liquid format for the rapid liquefaction of sputum specimens in preparation for inoculation on automated platforms or by manual methods.
The reagent has a more powerful mucolytic activity than dithiothreitol, but is also ready to use in a neutral pH solution that is stable at ambient temperature and requires no special storage conditions.
∑-SP™ in ready to use format is particularly suited for use on automated platforms. The tubes and caps are completely compatible with most platforms currently in use.
Recommended Application
For rapid processing of sputum specimens. To use simply add 1ml of sputum directly to the ∑-SP™ vial, recap, vortex and allow to stand for about 15 minutes before processing.
Neutral pH
Powerful mucolytic
Ready to use
Ambient storage
Effective recovery of respiratory bacteria
Use directly with automated processing
Convenient for manual processing