SELENITE BROTH for Salmonella Isolation.
SELENITE BROTH was originally developed by Liefson, and has long been used as a standard method for the selective recovery of Salmonella with the inhibition of other enteric microorganisms such as E. coli and faecal streptococci.
Recommended Applications
Swabs from FECAL TRANSWAB® specimens can be transferred to the SELENITE BROTH tubes, or fecal matter from any stool specimens can be inoculated directly into the broth.
Supplied in screw cap plastic tubes
Compatible with the automated processing platforms now present in many clinical microbiology laboratories
Accepts ‘captured swab’ from FECAL TRANSWAB® or SIGMA TRANSWAB®
Easily transferred by removing the complete cap and swab assembly from the SIGMA TRANSWAB® or FECAL TRANSWAB® tube, and screwing onto the SELENITE BROTH tube
The original cap from the SELENITE BROTH tube can be used to close the SIGMA TRANSWAB® or FECAL TRANSWAB® tube
Alternatively the SELENITE BROTH tube can also be inoculated with a small amount (0.2 – 0.5g) of faecal specimen.