TRANSWAB® Duo Charcoal comes with a plastic shaft with two swabs. The buds on the swabs are rayon type. Two swabs are used for multiple testing or sampling from multiple sites. Charcoal is used to neutralise bacterial toxins and other inhibitory substances.
TRANSWAB® Duo Charcoal is used for the recovery of aerobes, anaerobes and fastidious organisms. TRANSWAB® Gel Amies with charcoal is available with a rayon bud type.
All TRANSWAB® products comply with the CLSI standard M40-A2. This standard is for the Quality Control of Microbiology Specimen Transport Devices.
Recommended applications
Wound, skin, urogenital, throat, and multiple sites.
Semi-solid Amies medium for routine sampling
Two rayon bud swabs
Ideal for MRSA screening
Two swabs so multiple testing becomes possible
One swab can be tested immediately the other at the laboratory
Sampling of multiple sites for enhanced screening of MRSA