Display: 12.1-inch touch screen with day and night modes.
Gas Source: O2 or AIR, 0.28-0.6Mpa.
Users: Adults, Children, Neonates.
Ventilation Modes: Invasive and Non-Invasive, including VCV, PCV, PSV, SIMV, CPAP, BIPAP, and more.
Respiration Rate Range: 4-200/min, 1-40/min under SIMV.
FiO2: 21-100%.
PEEP: 0-40cmH2O.
Nebulization: Yes.
Special Functions: Self-testing, calibration, high flow delivery, rapid compensation.
Connectivity: RS-232, Ethernet, USB, HDMI, CO2 Module.
Additional Features:
Waveform display with zoom, freeze, and compare;
backup battery (>3 hours);
72-hour trend & event log.
Ventilation Type -
Patient Type -
Adult, Pediatric, Neonatal
Ventilation modes -
VCV (Volume Control Ventilation)
AC-V (Assist Control-Volume Ventilation)
PA-VC (Pressure Auto-Volume Control)
PCV (Pressure Control Ventilation)
AC-P (Assist Control-Pressure Ventilation)
SIMV-P (Pressure Synchronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation)
PSV (Pressure Support Ventilation)
CPAP(Continuous Positive Airway Pressure)
APRV*(Airway Pressure Release Ventilation) Optional