Besides the diaphyseal fractures of the tibia, the nail has numerous indications. In case of comminuted fractures of the proximal end, the available locking holes provide sufficient locking directions for the most common dispositions of the fragments. Despite the various proximal locking possibilities, an easy-to-use multifunctional aiming device helps the aiming. During the surgery, there is no need to change aiming attachments depending on the locking direction. The aiming arm can easily be turned to the adequate position for the required direction. The same universal elements are needed for the right- and also for the left tibia; only the correct side of the attachment has to be used. The distal targeting can be performed with the support of X-ray image intensifier.
Design of the implants
The nails are solid, and due to their universal anatomical design they can be used for both right and left tibial fractures.
By appropriate setting of the aiming arm, there are four planes but five different directions available for the proximal locking. Beside the AP -, anterolateral-, anteromedial- and medial locking directions, a dynamizing fixation can also be selected. Distal locking is also possible in four planes. MTT nails can be used also for very distal fractures with the two AP- and two lateral distal holes located directly at the end of the nail.