Elastic nails are used for elastic stable intramedullar osteosynthesis that is indicated for treatment of diaphyseal and metaphyseal fractures in children.
Indication and contraindication
Type of fracture:
diagonal fractures
short oblique or diagonal fractures with wedge fragment
long oblique fractures with possibility of cortical supporting point
more fragmented or bifocal fractures
spiral fractures
pathological diaphysial fractures at juvenile bone cysts
Localization of fracture:
diaphysis of femur and shank
distal metaphysis of femur
femur subtrochanterally
shank distal metaphysis
humerus diaphysis and subcapitally
diaphysis radia and the ulna
neck radia
Special indication:
humerus and forearm of adults
polytrauma and craniocerebral injury of top of above listed age range