Fully central automatic formalin supply and disposal system for up to 5 tap stations. For use in pathology and anatomy
The system described here is used for the central supply of formalin for especially larger institutes of pathology and anatomy. The formalin plant can be connected up to 5 taps in the grossing lab and other formalin handling areas.
Ideally, the system with the two tanks for fresh and used formalin is placed in a room where the filling and emptying can be performed easily. The tanks (from 600 up to 1500 litres capacity) are available on a security grid container which is able to hold the total amount of the specific container. Since formalin smells strongly, causes breathing problems and is
cancerous, the room must be well ventilated.
Both containers are equipped with a protective steel surrounded frame. Basically, the system offered is a closed system. Fumes cannot enter the room during because the filling and exchange process is done by a professional supply / disposal service. The entire system is designed according to § 19 WHG!
Technical Description of Components
Storage tanks made of plastic
Fully assembled with metal cage for safety Content storage tanks: 600 liters
Level sensor for tank 1 “fresh formalin”. Installation inside threaded lid conductive 3-rod electrode for “minimum” and “absolute minimum “level signalling
Level sensor for tank 2 “old formalin”. Installation inside threaded lid conductive 2 electrode for “Max” level signalling
Metering and conveying pump Pump output: 0 – 150 l / h / pressure: 8 bar Connections: G ¾