Meditech Technologies India Pvt. Ltd is the largest manufacturerand exporter of Metabolic Cage for Small Rodents.For collection of feces & urine from experimental animalThere are many types of metabolic cages developed formetabolic studies of experimental animals. Most of them areconstructed from plastic, glass or a combination of plastic, glass,and metal screen with the primary function of urine-fecesseparation. Many of the cages available have severaldisadvantages as more number of parts, expensive construction,lack of versatility, inadequate space for the animal andincomplete separation of urine and feces. Meditech Technologieshas developed new type of metabolic cage RMC 03 whicheliminates all these disadvantages. Meditech’s metabolic cageoffer better separation efficiency of urine and feces assuringmaximum purity of samples.