Meditech Technologies India Pvt. Ltd is the largest manufacturerand exporter of Rabbit Cage With Portable Trolley.This cage is same as that of Rabbit Cage (Standard Type) in alldimensions and features, only difference is that, on top of eachcage, S.S. square pipe of 20mm x 20mm x 16swg of height25mm is fixed on top four comers. S.S. square pipe of 12mm x12mmx 16swg of height 30mm is fixed on four bottom cornersof each cage.In this system, one Rabbit Cage is placed on a portable trolleyspecially designed for this system. On this rabbit cage, one canplace second Rabbit cage simply by inserting the legs of secondRabbit Cage in the square pipes provided on the top side ofbottom Rabbit Cage. Similarly the process will follow up to 4cages.