Now it is possible to perform wireless osseointegration measurements on dental implants
The Periotest is the instrument most commonly used for measuring osseointegration in dental implants. It is also available as a hand-held mobile device, known as the Periotest M. Now it is even simpler to perform an objective evaluation of an implant’s stability.
Thanks to its wireless design, the user can now benefit from a maximum freedom of movement. It is no longer necessary to provide a surface for apparatus in the vicinity of the patient. The device’s internal lithium-ion battery is simply recharged in the base unit provided, just like a cordless phone. What many implantologists are looking for is a simple and quick method of gaining an objective statement as to whether the implants they have made have become well osseointegrated and can be loaded. With the Periotest M, we have developed a device that is able to fulfil these requirements, and which can be seamlessly incorporated in the workflow of any dental practice.