Osteoporosis is a disease of the skeletal system that results in loss of bone mass and increasing a risk of Bone Fracture.
Height and Growth Plate.
A principle of growing length of Bone is chondrocytes configurated growth plate gradually turn into a solid bone cells. As new bone cells are larger, the length of Bone gradually longer and height is taller at the end.
OSTEO ACE Application
Growth plate measurement, Prevention and diagnosis of Osteoporosis.
OSTEO ACE Advantages
Radiation exposure is very shortcompared with DEXA, pDEXA, pQCT.(0.3Sec)
High Resolution X-ray Images Compared with Ultrasound Devices
25 Seconds ONLY to calculate Bone Mineral Density
Bone Mineral Desity, T-Score, Z-Score, Bone Age, Bone Mass Index, Compared Graph, Growth Speed (For 3 months Measurements NEED)
OSTEO ACE Compositions
Main Body Equipment & Cables
Software Program CD for an Operation
User's Manual