Osteoporosis is a disease of the skeletal system that results in loss of bone mass and increasing a risk of Bone Fracture.
Height and Growth Plate
A principle of growing length of Bone is chondrocytes configurated growth plate gradually turn into a solid bone cells.
As new bone cells are larger, the length of Bone gradually longer and height is taller at the end.
OSTEO PRIME Application
For Osteoporosis Diagnosis, Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry & BED-TYPE
OSTEO PRIME Advantages
Lowest noise and optimum space utilization.
Optimum SPACE Installation, 20dB
The best accuracy and minimum dose.
Precision S 1.0%, Low dose of 1 uSv
Easy operation and a variety of analysis techniques.
® Windows 7
Automatic analysis of the region of interest (ROI),
Manual analysis of suspicious sites to offer a variety of interpretations
The minimum purchase price & Maintenance costs.
OSTEO PRIME Compositions
Main Body Equipment & Cables
Software Program CD for an Operation
User’s Manual