FASTest® BRUCELLA canis is a rapid immunochromatographic test for the qualitative detection of antibodies against Brucella canis in whole blood, plasma or serum of the dog.
Brucella canis is a gram-negative bacterium appearing world-wide and being a potential danger for dogs and humans (zoonosis).
Although the prevalences are very low or B. canis is partially seen rather obliterated in countries with high breeding standards, increased attention must be paid to brucellosis, especially in dog breedings. By mating with dogs from abroad (with lower breeding standards), brucellosis can be imported easily and unnoticed.
The pathogen mainly propagates via infectious abortion material or vaginal fluids, by mating or vertically from bitch to puppies.
Infected animals show failure in gravidity or infertility as well as atypical symptoms (e.g. uveitis). In about 75% of the cases, females abort after 45 to 55 days of gestation. Early embryonic death and absorption or abortion 10 to 20 days after mating is reported, too. These abortions may go unnoticed, and the female then is often presented with the preliminary report “failure to conceive”.
In males, the main signs are epididymitis, testicular atrophy and a moist scrotal dermatitis, in addition to bad semen quantity (esp. with chronic brucellosis) and quality.
Besides to missing or misunderstood symptoms, antibody levels in chronic animals can drop under the limit of detection. Hence, breeding dogs should be routinely tested for antibodies with serological methods to prevent the danger of propagation via venereal transmission.