FASTest® CHLAM Ag is a rapid immunochromatographic test for the qualitative detection of Chlamydia spp. antigens in discharge, extracts, organs or feces of animals.
Chlamydia are obligate intracellular bacteria in animals (low host specificity) and humans (high host specificity) world-wide. Chlamydia with zoonotic potential are C. psittaci, C. abortus, C. trachomatis and C. pneumoniae. Depending on country and species, chlamydiosis is a notifiable or reportable disease!
In the cat, esp. in kittens, C. felis has an important role in the cat flu complex. Infection normally occurs via direct contact/droplet infection. Unilateral, sometimes bilateral serous-purulent conjunctivitis with a strong chemosis are typical. In principle, all cats of a population should be tested and positive cases treated (ABCD guidelines) and vaccinated after the clinical symptoms have disappeared (non-core vaccination). Untested and untreated animals can develop a carrier status with possible recurrences.
In the bird (C. psittaci: psittacosis of psittacids; ornithosis of poultry and wild birds), infection occurs especially via feces, nasal discharge, droplet infection and contaminated dust. The clinical symptoms vary from ruffled feathers, emaciation, conjunctivitis, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract with eye and nasal discharge to light green coloured feces and diarrhoea with death in some cases. Latent infected psittacids are a considerable pathogen source for other birds and humans.