FASTest® CRYPTO Strip is a rapid immunochromatographic test for the qualitative detection of Cryptosporidium parvum antigens in feces of pocket pets, pets and farm animals.
Diarrhoea can lead to severe courses of disease up to death for all species. Among the diverse diarrhoea pathogens in pocket pets, pets and farm animals, especially Cryptosporidium parvum (C. parvum) is a great challenge for the veterinarian due to its common appearance and zoonotic potential.
In reptiles, C. parvum often is diagnosed as non-pathogenic intestinal bypasser (infected food animals). C. parvum shedding reptiles therefore are a potential infection source for other animals as well as the owners (zoonosis).
Cryptosporidia form two types of infectious oocysts: 20% are thin-walled and stay in the host, where they cause reinfection through autoinfection. The remaining 80% are thick-walled and are excreted intermittently, i.e. not with every defecation, as dormancy stages. These are very resistant and can remain infectious for months. They can infect other animals as well as humans via drinking water (infectious dose Ø 10–100 oocysts).
Prevalences are very variable, in calves 25–100%, depending on the stock. Lambs, piglets and foals are affected, too. In german hedgehogs, prevalences of 21.6% (spring) and 36.6% (autumn) are discovered. Dogs (Germany, Austria ca. 0.5–1%) and cats (Germany, Austria ca. 1–3%) show considerably lower prevalences.
Clinical symptoms can vary depending on age and immune status of the animal. Neonates and young animals are predominantly affected. Caused by the high infectiveness, often a population problem arises. Double infections are not uncommon.