Fixture placement
Soft bone
The Unique self-tapping threads have a single core diameter that facilitates minimal site preparation by utilizing
a smaller osteotomy to place a wider fixture wider threads.
Hard bone
AnyRidge® with its unique thread design is easier to place than traditional implants in hard bone.
The osteotomy size should almost reach the size of the fixture to avoid wedding in the bone
Easy way to avoid stuck in the bone during AnyRidge implant placement
1.Due to extremety strong initiol stoWity of AnyRidge facture, it can be stuck in the middte during placement ©spécialfy n marxMxjlar hard bone. Ptease consider One mlllimeter Rule' to avoid this in the best and easiest way Clinioan can customize the drlng sequence onoe he fulty understand the concept and characteristics ot AnyRidge System to get prelerred imtel stabity. One mlllimeter Rule’ © simple; 4 an implant engine (40Ncm) stops leavrtg one mâmeter above the crest, use ratchet wrench to screw « down to prefcfred position. We reoommended to ptoce implant ptotform 0.5* 1.0mm under the crest.
2.if a facture stocks In the rruddle leoving more than 1mm above the crest in hard mandibular bone. 4 s recommended to remove it usmg a wrench rather than trying to screw it down with exoesswe torque. Pleose use a cortical bone dri that is includod in o surç^cal kit. the depth ot cortical bone driKng can be adjusted accordng to the bone oondition. Then. place the same facture into the ostootomy socket.