1.Smooth mixing and injection reduce fatigue for the user.
2.Free from taste and scent. Heavy Body prevents excessive patient salivation.
3.High etasbcity enabtes easy removal wrth no deformation after cumg thanks to correct hardness.
4.Thixotropic - does not slide from a tray.
5.High affnrty of ptastcr cnabtos an aocurate modeling.
1.Remarkably uniform smoothness htghfy thixotropic Ljght Body of the prevents artnhg h the mouth.
2.Excellent hydrophilicity and idéal flowability gKe Ught Body délicate a reproducibiity enable précision modeling.
3.High elastiaty and tear strength guarantees a safety whëe dental impression.
4.High affinity with plaster enables accurate modeling.
1.Dispense 'MEGA SIL Heavy Body’ material into tray. FiISng it to the height of the tray. Keep a mixed tip submerged in Heavy Body material to avoid air bubbles.
2.After drymg the teeth, inject the Light Body material onto toeth or nto a tray.
3.Insert tray straight and evenly into mouth avoid rotation.
4.Use a timor, and follow rccommendod scttmg time in mouth. Rcmovc tray from mouth. rinsc, dry and disinfect impression before shipping.
3. Bite Registration
1.Reinforced hardness and least transformationaJ change to guarantee accurate positioning during mounting. (Shore-A-hardness of 93)
2.Provides suffbent trne 30 seconds to imprint the entire mandibular arch.
3.Short time to produce imprinted mode! for 90 seconds hardening time.
4.Provides most accurate bite form with minimum mouth irritation.
5.Less transformational change which prevents re-movement after usage.