MiNi™ Kit
The instruments of MiNi Internai System are included in AnyRidge & AnyOne surgical kit.
X Even the customers who do not use AnyRidge & AnyOne Internai System can expérience MiNi System at any time by purchasing only six instruments separately.
The platform line of the Handpiece Connecter or the Ratchet Connecter must be flush with the fixture platform.
. When using the Ratchet Wrench. do not use an excessive torque as it can damage of internai structure of the fixtures. It is not recommended to exceed the maximum torque of 75N cm.
The actual lengths of MiNi'“ internai fixtures are 0.5mm shorter than the depth markings of a Shaping Drill. Therefore. the fixture will be placed 0.5mm under the crest automatically.
Actual driing depth 10.5mm = 0.5mm subcrestal + 9.5mm actual fixture length + 0.5mm Y value * Fixture 03.0 (Y value = 0.5mm). 03.25 (Y value = 0.6mm)
Surgical drilling sequence
Actual drilling depth I0.5mm= 0.5mm subcrestal + 9.5mm actual facture length + 0.5mm Y value
Actual drilling depth 10.6mm = 0.5mm subcrestal + 9.5mm actual fixture length + 0.6mm Y value