One of the most important prerequisites for a long-lasting crown or bridge restoration is the preparation. A smooth surface and a precise preparation margin are the perfect starting point for a permanently well-fitting restoration. The MEISINGER Prep & Match Arkansas abrasives can be paired with our proven preparation diamonds and are identical to them in shape and angles. This means that the prepared tooth can be optimally reworked with the matching Prep & Match Arkansas abrasives. Irregular surfaces and loosened enamel prisms can be smoothed effortlessly after preparation with the Prep & Match Arkansas abrasives, which improves the quality of the surface and the preparation margin many times over. With a precisely designed preparation margin, the risk of secondary caries is significantly minimised.
This perfect combination of preparation instrument andArkansas abrasives is ideally suited for the proven chamfer preparation and step preparation.
Recommended Speed: 80.000-100.000 rpm Maximum Speed: 120.000rpm
White “Arkansas” abrasives, extra fine, for smooth grinding and polishing of filling materials and composites.
Significant reduction of the edge gap.