Name: Sheep Plastination Specimen
Lifetime: Above 50 years
Advantage: Non-toxic, odorless, durable & dry
Delivery time: 7 days to 4 months after the order confirmed
Technology: Plastination by hand-made
Sheep plastination specimen for veterinary medicine universities as teaching aids clearly
shows superficial muscles of sheep body, sheep real cadaver plastination body specimen, with
the base support.
Sheep plastination specimen clearly shows nasolabial levator muscle, zygomaticus, masseter,
mandible, parotid gland, musculus sternocephalicus(superficial), musculus
sternocephalicus(deep), sternothyreoideus, sternohyoideus, trapezius, latissimus dorsi,
acromion of the deltoid, triceps longhead, lateral head of triceps, arm muscles, extensor
carpus radialis, common extensor of fingers, lateral extensor of fingers, lateral flexor carpal,
pectoral ventral serratus muscle, dorsal serratus muscle, musculus obliquus externus
abdominis, tensor fasciae latae, semitendinosus, semimembranosus, musculus
gastrocnemius, muscle flexor digitorum profundus, lateral extensor of fingers, peroneus
longus, musculi peronaeus tertius, tubera calcanei, etc.