The DEPArray OncoSeek Panel enables the preparation of high-quality targeted NGS libraries from FFPE cell populations isolated with the DEPArray technology or from fresh tissue.
It allows the simultaneous detection of SNVs, indels and CNAs from 63 oncology relevant genes starting from very low amount of input DNA, such as 60 fresh/unfixed cells corresponding to about 400pg DNA or around 100-300 FFPE cells depending on quality according to DEPArray FFPE QC Kit (link to page DEPArray sample preparation kit) results.
The kit utilizes Illumina-compatible adapter sequences and is compatible with Illumina platforms using non-patterned flow cells (MiSeq, MiniSeq, HiSeq 2500, NextSeq 500/550).
This product is for research use only (RUO) – not for use in diagnostic procedures.